Monday, January 28, 2013

Compost Tea - The "It" Factor

If you are an organic gardener this is something that could benefit you greatly.  Compost Tea is a tea made from completely decomposed compost that is added to water and stirred vigorously over a 3 day - 1 week period.  It is extremely nutricious and builds soil structure as well as fertilizing in a safe organic way.  Also, if the tea is added to live plants it will help create a bio-film on the leaves making the plant much more pest and fungi resistant.  This is such a natural & safe fertilizer, you could drink it! 

This is a very simple way to create a concentrated, liquid fertilizer that will benefit your garden in many ways.  Let me know how this works for you.

A word from The Digger

Friday, January 25, 2013

Gardening With Bricks

So, I feel the need to add my opinion on raised garden beds.  They are a great benefit to your garden, but what material is best to use?  I'm not a big fan of the kind with store bought, treated wood or the awful looking concrete blocks.  Too many chemicals leaking into the soil and contaminating all future plants in that area.  Using logs is very eco friendly and pleasing to the eye, but its not very permanent.  The solution to this problem was found by my husband in a trip to Lowes.  BRICKS!!  They are the very best material to use in my opinion.  They stay where they are forever without leaking chemicals and if you decide to widen the bed or change the layout of your garden it's easily movable.  Just lay them out, add soil, and plant!  Seems like a small topic, but so many people are opting for treated wood and concrete when bricks are easily find-able and long lasting (just don't drop them.)  In my opinion, the best brick to use is the kind you find from somewhere lost and forgotten.  The older ones are sturdier and add character.  Here are some photos of our garden beds from last year.

Do you have another
eco-friendly idea?
Please share! 
We are always
looking for new ideas.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

The Homestead Add-Ons

So after you've found your land and built the home, you're going to want to create a sustainable landscape.  When you begin designing the gardens, leave room for the add-ons.  Below are a few ideas for a sustainable way to add to the land.

Don't forget the Greenhouse:


For the Beekeeper:

The Trellis:

We previously built our own grape trellis out of logs.  Here is how it turned out.  The only problem we had was with the carpenter bees.  This is a temporary example of greener building.

Chicken Coop:
Now most homesteaders and minimalists are going to raise an animal or two.  The most sustainable and low maintenance animal to raise is a chicken.  They need their food and nutrients and a warm hen house to sleep at night.  We have previously built a chicken coop of our own that turned out very sturdy and desirable.  Mainly because it was tall enough to walk inside and had all the necessities.  A warm place to lay with an accessible door to gather eggs and plenty of space to roam inside the fenced in building.  Here are some photos.  It wasn't quite as inexpensive as we hoped, but it was worth every penny.  The photos are before it was completely finished.

Rain Barrel:
For the sustainable gardener you're going to need some way to collect water.  If you have a shed or, in our case, a chicken coop you should definitely consider adding a rain barrel.  We used an old raison barrel with an attached water spicket.  To collect the water, we put a gutter on the back side of the chicken coop and attached a pipe at the end which was put into the top of the barrel.  We had to cut a hole into the top of the barrel lid, so to keep mosquitoes out we added a screen underneath the lid.  We had no running water here, so it was a big help to take care of our gardens.

If there's anything else I should add, feel free to share.  We are still coming up with new and exciting ways to maximize the homestead.

The Dancer

Greener Homes

So our journey so far has been a lot of ups and downs. Its all been aimed for the "back to the land" lifestyle. You know, the one everyone thinks should be so simple.  Organic gardening, raising chickens and goats, beekeeping; we're going for it all.  However, its not so simple as one would think.  The main obstacle in our way has been land.  You've got to have land.  Even if its not a lot, you still need enough to grow your family's food and your living along with privacy if at all possible.  We've been to the moon and back chasing a way to find ours.

In all this time searching for land, we've been coming up with several ideas to build an inexpensive, sturdy, and eco-friendly home.  Some were found from the web, others are creations we're still brainstorming on.  Personally, we lean towards underground building.  One of our greatest mistakes with moving above ground as far as heating and cooling goes along with the way the world is going, its not a bad idea to have a few feet of dirt above your head. However it all comes down to our budget and needs in the end.  Here are a few we found that deserve a thumbs up.

The Earthbag Dome:
This one is my favorite!

Straw Bale and Clay Home:

The Pallet House:

Recycled Railroad Tie Structure:
To build a house with recycled railroad ties we found an idea from an episode on mythbusters.  You can use them as you do with bricks by laying them flat and nailing together to form walls.  This makes for a very secure structure.  Haven't found a video for it yet though.

Plastic Bag Home:

Tiny House:

That's a pretty good list for now.  We may add more as time goes on.  I'll keep you updated when we are finally able to start the move.  For now, that's all.  Feel free to share ideas and comments.

The Dancer & The Digger