Saturday, July 5, 2014

Flea Market Finds

A lot of times, flea markets turn out a bit on the lame side.  I usually end up with a few nick knacks and call it a day.  Well, this time, browsing the 20 isles in the beating hot sun finally paid off.
I thought I would share with you today's finds.

First off,
The main thing I was looking for, a wooden crate.
And when I finally came across one, ready to pay, the man gave me the look of, you silly girl.  Turns out, the produce stands throw them out like napkins!

My husband ended up with a Biltmore Estate pewter cup in brand new condition. 

And a scythe, which is perfect for our No-Till plan for next years garden.  
Plus it just looks cool. :)

And now for the best find yet!  We'll be moving to the country soon and slowly searching for more sustainable tools to help start our new lifestyle.  However, I never imagined to find one that I've been wanting more than anything at a Flea Market!  

Thats right!  A USA made, cast iron Hand Mill!  It even came with 2 extra grind fittings (I have no idea what they are actually called.)  And for only $10, I'm way happy.  

So, word of advise, if there's something you really want, but don't need right away, check out your local flea markets.  It could pay off. 

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